Similarity Check Reports

Widya Bhumi Journal uses the Ithenticate software to highlight overlapping text between submitted manuscripts and existing literature as part of our Crossref participation. Occasionally, our Editorial Team will send you a similarity report to determine whether there is inappropriate word re-use.

The report will include the overall percentage reuse calculation. This figure should be treated with caution. A high percentage is not necessarily unacceptable, but it is an indication that there may be plagiarism or redundancy. It is critical to examine the report to determine the source of the overlap and the locations where it occurs.

Things to think about:

  • The nature of the overlap - are the equations discrete or in blocks? Were entire sentences or paragraphs copied from previous work?
  • Where there is overlap, duplication of background ideas in the introduction or general method may be considered less significant than duplication of discussion or conclusion.
  • Data duplication is almost never acceptable in the absence of proper citations.
  • Do the source texts cited and discussed overlap?
  • Authorship - Is the source written by one or more of the same authors as the Widya Bhumi Journal submission? If this is the case, the issue may be with copyright or overpublication rather than plagiarism. Some overlap is permitted, for example, with the author's own preprints or theses, if the source is indicated.
  • Is it possible for the software to miscalculate the similarity, for example, by including large chunks of text that are correctly contained within quotation marks or by marking the similarity in references?

If you believe the degree of similarity warrants further investigation, you can request that the authors rewrite portions of their manuscript and cite missing references before peer review. You may find the manuscript to be too plagiarized for further consideration and should therefore reject it..

If you have any questions about the Ithenticate similarity report or need to address a plagiarism issue in an article, please do not hesitate to contact us.